the lowdown   

Marie Low's fortnightly column, The Lowdown. Marie has more than 30 years experience as a journalist and communicator.
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Australia, we can’t keep on building forever

Watching the mice multiply in regional New South Wales makes you think they are not the brightest creatures. They are expanding at such a rate that, at times, they turn on each other. Discovering that I had been carrying a live one around in the toe of my boot for

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Why is legislation needed to deliver respect?

This week I was added to a chat group of journalists I worked with 20 years ago. This was prompted by some strong public words from a former colleague who spoke at a Senate hearing into media diversity. These were women I had spent hundreds of hours with, but in

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IVF will never be quite as simple as ABC

As I write this, there will be Australians at every stage of IVF. There will be couples – and singles – making decisions. There will be women taking folic acid to prepare themselves for pregnancy. There will be people getting injections, having eggs harvested, embryos implanted and most of all,

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Why Two Cats Creative uses WordPress​

There is no one solution that is perfect for everyone, but for most people serious about their business and building their online presence, self-hosted WordPress is the best fit.

It allows you to own all of your content, and you aren’t left hanging if the platform (i.e. Wix, Weebly etc) decide to close their doors, or remove functions that you rely on.

Your WordPress website is also open to unlimited growth. You can start with a basic site and then evolve to include e-commerce, memberships and much more. You aren’t restricted like you are with other platforms that are closed.

Additionally, the SEO potential of WordPress is powerful. WordPress is extremely SEO-friendly from the outset and it only gets better when you use SEO-friendly themes and plugins.

Clients often come to us because they’ve already got a website built with Wix or Squarespace, but as their business has grown, their website is unable to grow with them. For example, they need features that the other platforms don’t offer (or, not at least without their monthly fee sky-rocketing). 

Having said that, some smaller businesses do just want a presence and that’s it. They don’t care about being found on Google, they don’t need anything fancy, and they don’t want to pay someone to maintain their website. If that’s the case, then one of the other platforms may be a better fit.

You may have heard that WordPress is more complicated to use but we make it as user-friendly as possible and we will guide you every step of the way.

We use WordPress because it is a future-proof solution that gives you the most options, no matter how much your business grows.